Winkie the Owl

Welcome back Winkie the Owl.

We all look forward to taking you home and sharing our homelike and family with you.

This weekend you are going to Mrs Munro's house and you will meet her Grandchildren, Eddie and Marley.

Winkie had a great at Micah's house. He got to go swimming for the first time, eat ice-creams and play games in a box. But best of all was when Micah read him a story.
What a lucky owl Winkie is. He got to play with Kaiden and his dog and cat. Look at those cuddles. He sure looks like he had a fantastic time.

What a fantastic time Winkie had with Thomas. They went to the beach and got splashed with a bug wave at high tide. Spot them on the big whale and what about those pancakes. Yum! Yum!
Navaea had lots of fun playing with Winkie in our playground. Winkie says Navaea has the best smile and is very kind. Navaea wrote her own story in our Winkie Book. Clever girl!!
 Winkie had another exciting weekend staying at Ella's house. His favourite was when Ella read him a bed time story. Check out his flash pajamas.
Winkie is so lucky. He got to listen to Grier read a story and he had so many cuddles even one from Grier's new cousin. Look at the big smiles on their faces.

Lachy gave Winkie a great time, taking him to his farm. He meet lots of farm animals including a sheep and some cows. Winkie got to go in a boat. But he loved climbing the tree best of all. Winkie and Lacky both had big smiles after their trip.
Grier had a cuddly time at Grier's house.He got cuddles from Grier in her bed and a big cuddle with Grier's new cousin Tuhiraki. Can you spot the twins dressed in the same pajamas. This is the first time Winkie ever wore anything other than feathers.

 Winkie had a great time when he went to stay at Caitlin's house. He got to sleep in her be and cuddle her and he even went on a sleepover at her Grandmas. One day he went to the swimming pool with her and had a shower!!! Winkie said his feathers kept him warm.
Winkie had a very special job to do when he went to stay with Oliver because poor old Oliver was very sick and Winkie was able to give him heaps of cuddles. Winkie got to sleep in Olivers bed too.

Winkie has another exciting time staying with Lucy. Winkie got to watch his first movie and he even got to sleep on the couch. Lucy got Winkie to say cheese so he looked good in the photos. Winkie thinks Lucy is good at colouring in.

Lutha and Winkie had a very busy week. Lutha took Winkie on lots of outings. They went tothe Gardens where Winkie met some of his relies. He loved his first visit to the beach. Sleeping in a tent and eating yummy food was his favourite. He learnt how to jump on a tramp. He loved his cuddles best of all. Thanks Lutha.

Regan and Winkie had lots of fun with Regan's little sister, Pipa. Regan read them books. He let Winkie sleep with him and he even shared his breakfast. Lucky Winkie!

Winkie had fun with Samantha. Winkie went to Church with Samantha and really enjoyed going to see her Granddad. Samantha and winkie had lots of cuddles. Winkie really liked watching Samantha eat her yummy breakfast.

Joshua and Winkie had a very busy time. They went to the Warehouse and good old Winkie remembered to wear his seat belt. Winkie even came to play at school and he was very clever on the slide, swing and trampoline

Each week our friendly class owl, Winkie,  will go home with one child. We want you to write about Winkie the Owl, draw pictures or take photos and put these in the book. Treat Winkie like one of your family, taking him on outings and share what you and your family did with him.
I will include a USB stick for you to download the pictures so I can add these to our blog too. If you don’t have a digital camera I can lend you one. I will then add these adventures to our blog site too. Have fun with Winkie.

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